Academic Map

English Education

ACADEMIC MAP (Effective Summer 2025 and after)

*Please Note: Face-to-face/in-person instruction of this program is available ONLY at the main campus in Tallahassee, FL. This program is NOT available via Online/Distance Learning.*

This map is a term-by-term sample course schedule. The milestones listed to the right of each term are designed to keep you on course to graduate in four years. The Sample Schedule serves as a general guideline to help you build a full schedule each term. The General Education and Elective courses must be selected to satisfy all area and diversity requirements unless your program meets these requirements with major courses. Milestones are courses and special requirements necessary for timely progress to complete a major. Missing milestones will result in one of two types of map registration stops. The first level (Degree Map Off-track) is placed following grade posting if the student has missed a milestone (course and/or GPA) for the first time in the major. If a student is in non-compliance with milestones for two (2) consecutive semesters (excluding summers), a Major Change Required stop is placed on the student's registration.

The English Education program is a combined BS/MS degree pathway and is designed to prepare students to teach English in secondary school settings (grades 6 - 12). The BS/MS pathway requires two years of upper-division undergraduate coursework plus one additional year of graduate coursework. All prospective students for English Education must apply for formal admission to Educator Preparation through the Anne Spencer Daves College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences (Anne's College). Fall applications must be submitted by June 1. Spring applications must be submitted by October 1.The Educator Preparation application and admission requirements are available online at .

Mapping Coordinator: Frank Amidon

Sample Schedule and Required Milestones by Term

Sample Schedule: Term 1 hrs
ENC 1101 Freshman Composition3
1st GE Core Mathematics 3
GE History 3
GE Core Social Science 3
GE Elective3
Required Milestones: Term 1
Complete ENC1101 ( ≥ C minus )
Cumulative GPA ≥ 2.50
Sample Schedule: Term 2 hrs
ENC 2135 Research, Genre, and Context3
2nd GE Mathematics or Statistics 3
GE Core Humanities/Cultural Practice3
EDF 1005 Introduction to Education3
1st GE Natural Science 3
Required Milestones: Term 2
Complete ENC2135 ( ≥ C minus )
Complete 1st GE Mathematics course ( ≥ C minus )
Cumulative GPA ≥ 2.50
Sample Schedule: Term 3 hrs
2nd GE Natural Science3
Natural Science Lab1
Scholarship in Practice 3
SPC 1017 Fundamentals of Speech, SPC 2608 Public Speaking, COM 2080 Online Communication and Presence or other Oral Communication Competency Course3
Literature Course: AML/ENL/LIT3
Required Milestones: Term 3
Complete 2nd GE Mathematics or Statistics course ( ≥ C minus )
Complete EDF1005 ( ≥ C minus )
Cumulative GPA ≥ 2.50
Sample Schedule: Term 4 hrs
EDF 2085 Introduction to Diversity for Teachers or Elective3
EME 2040 Introduction to Educational Technology or any other Digital Literacy course3
GE Ethics3
GE Elective3
GE Elective 3
Required Milestones: Term 4
Complete all General Education Requirements
Complete literature course: AML/ENL/LIT ( ≥ C minus )
Cumulative GPA ≥ 2.50
Apply to program by June 1 for Fall admission or by Oct. 1 for Spring admission 
Sample Schedule: Term 5 hrs
LAE 3331 Teaching Literature and Drama in High Schools3
LAE 3333 Teaching Writing and Language in High Schools3
RED 4310 Foundation of Reading3
TSL 4520 Second Language Acquisition and Cross-cultural Communication for Teachers 3
Required Milestones: Term 5
Complete Term 5 courses ( ≥ C in each)
Civic Literacy requirement
Sample Schedule: Term 6 hrs
EEX 4070 Including Students with Disabilities in the General Education Curriculum3
LAE 4323 Adolescent Literacy and Young Adult Literature3
RED 4510 Teaching Reading for Understanding3
TSL 4251 Methods in Teaching English Language Learners in PK-12 Classrooms3
Content Course3
Required Milestones: Term 6
Complete Term 6 ( ≥ C in each )
Complete LAE 4863 ( ≥ C)
Complete LAE 5336 (≥ B)
Summer hrs
LAE 4863 Enhancing Teaching through Technology3
LAE 5336 Applied English Linguistics for Teachers3
Content Course3
Sample Schedule: Term 7 hrs
LAE 5368 Classroom Management and Methods of Planning and Instruction in Secondary English 3
RED 4241 Differentiating Instruction for Reading3
Content Course3
Content Course3
Required Milestones: Term 7
Complete RED4241 ( ≥ C)
Complete LAE5368 ( ≥ B)
Complete graduation checks
Sample Schedule: Term 8 hrs
LAE 5348 Teaching Multiliteracies3
RED 4941 Reading and ESOL Practicum3
TSL 5005 Applied ESOL Instruction in Mainstream Classrooms3
Content Course3
Required Milestones: Term 8
Complete RED 4941 ( ≥ C)
Complete LAE5348 and TSL5005 ( ≥ B in each )
Apply for graduation within first 2 weeks of semester
Employment Information

Salary Information: National Association of Colleges and Employers, Occupational Outlook Handbook

Representative Job Titles Related: Teacher of English: Middle School, Junior High, Senior High, Adult Education, Public Librarian, Sales Representative, Audiovisual Specialist, Teacher of English as a foreign language, Youth Organization Worker, Television Educational Specialist, Tutor, Editor/Editorial Assistant, Reporter, Writer of Technical Publications.

Representative job titles Related that may require further schooling: Community College Instructor, College Professor, School Librarian.

Representative Employers: Government Agencies: Overseas schools for military, Department of Education, School Boards, Department of State: Indian reservations, Peace Corps, Bookstores, Social Service Agencies, Immigrant Service Agencies, Television, Publishing Companies.